Endless space 2 ships are wire frames
Endless space 2 ships are wire frames

endless space 2 ships are wire frames

The Hissho are a military and expansion-oriented faction whose main gameplay feature is Keii. That's all the basics you need to know to utilize Endless Space 2 probes, and we'd like to extend special thanks to YouTuber BigBossBilly for the screenshots.About This Content Endless Space 2: Supremacy introduces the Hissho Major Faction to the game, as well as a new massive galactic platform available to all Factions: the Behemoth Ship. In the early game this can be huge because it provides an advantage in locating neighboring systems and getting colonies going. The main advantage to probes is that you can send them off in a different direction than you are currently exploring in order to cover more ground (er, space, I guess), or you can send them to an area that may be dangerous and you aren't sure about quite yet.

endless space 2 ships are wire frames


Some higher-level curiosities will be grayed out when you hover over them - that means they are higher level than your current tech research level and you have to first upgrade before you can investigate them with a probe.Ĭhecking probe info on the Start Expedition screenīecause your probe-laden ships are frequently on the edge of your explored space and might run into trouble, it's usually a good idea to have a group of explorer ships together launching probes rather than sending out one lone exploration vessel. In a few cases, the results may be unpleasant, however, like an unexpected attack. You can also get to the same options by choosing Start Expedition instead.Īnomalies and curiosities vary wildly in their results but can be well worth discovering, sometimes offering up resource caches, speeding up research, and so on.

endless space 2 ships are wire frames

Zoom into the planet and click the curiosity question mark icon to launch a probe. If any planet names are pulsing, they have anomalies to explore by sending a probe. When you find a system, check the list of planet names underneath it. Probes replenish automatically over time for any ship equipped with the module (see the replenishment rate by hovering over the icon and checking the Cooldown entry).īesides just checking to see if an area of space has any systems worth exploring, probes are also used for investigating anomalies. The Launch Probe button also shows your current stock of probes along with the maximum number that the ship is capable of housing.

endless space 2 ships are wire frames

To see probes off to find new systems, access the fleet menu and click the explorer or hero ship, then select the Launch Probe button (the icon pretty clearly looks like a probe or a satellite moving towards the right). For instance, researching Machine Bacteria on the Science and Exploration technology tree gives access to Titanium and Hyperium probes. Like most technologies in the game, probe modules can be upgraded later on for better results and longer vision range. To launch probes, you first have to add them as a module to an explorer ship. What's the point of probes instead of just sending a fleet off to find locations? Probes can head into unexplored areas that haven't been revealed yet, bypassing normal movement paths and unveiling anomalies or even new systems. Some players totally miss probes in the early stages of the game because only exploration ships ( marked with the magnifying glass) and hero ships are capable of launching probes. Below, we cover everything you need to know about gaining access to probes, using them to explore and find anomalies, and replenishing your depleted probe stock. Probes are one of those elements that are easy to miss or just simply misunderstand if you did manage to notice them sitting there. While the in-depth nature of the game makes it a must-try for the 4X fans, it can also turn off more casual gamers not familiar with the style, as there's a steep learning curve here. As with many of these futuristic 4X-style games, there's a staggering number of elements to juggle and a whole lot of gameplay options you might not even realize you can use on the first playthrough.

Endless space 2 ships are wire frames